

  • 소속 환경에너지공학과
  • 직위(직급) 조교수
  • 전화번호 031-330-6697
  • 이메일 ycwoo@mju.ac.kr


교과목 설명 - 지위/학위, 소속, 사무실위치, 전화 내용
연구실위치 Y8728 연구실전화 031-330-6697
연구분야 Advanced Membrane Fabrication, AI based Membrane Technology, Semiconductor wastewater treatment, Ultra Pure Water system, Water electrolysis


2017. 11 University of Technology Sydney, Civil and Environmental Engineering, 공학박사
2013. 02 명지대학교, 환경생명정보학과, 공학석사
2011. 02 명지대학교, 환경생명공학과, 공학사

주요 경력 및 활동

2018. 03 ~ 2023. 02 한국건설기술연구원 수석연구원
2020. 03 ~ 2023. 02 과학기술연합대학원대학교 부교수


2019. 03 우수발표상, 환경부장관 표창
2019. 03 우수논문상, 한국물환경학회
2019. 10 Outstanding Young Water Professional Award, The International Water Association (IWA)
2019. 11 Oral Presentation Award, International Conference on Challenges in Environmental Science & Engineering (CESE-2019)


Desalination 편집위원 (Elsevier)
Journal of Membrane Science 편집위원 (Elsevier)
Membrane and Water Treatment 편집위원 (Techno-Press)
대한환경공학회 이사 및 학술위 부위원장
한국물환경학회 편집위원 및 국제화위원회 간사
한국초순수학회 이사 및 홍보위 부위원장
한국막학회 조직이사
한국젊은물기술자회 (IWA-YWP KOREA) 회장

논문 및 저서

Fabrication and characterization of high-performance acetone-assisted polyamide thin-film composite membranes for fluoridated saline water treatment, Desalination, 538 (2022) 115922

Status and future trends of hollow fiber biogas separation membrane fabrication and modification techniques, Chemosphere, 303 (1) (2022) 134959

Evaluation of the advanced oxidation process integrated with microfiltration for reverse osmosis to treat semiconductor wastewater, Process Safety and Environmental Protection, 162 (2022) 1057-1066

Removal of nitrogen from municipal wastewater by denitrification using a sulfur-based carrier: A pilot-scale study, Chemosphere, 296 (2022) 133969

Enhancing performances of polyamide thin film composite membranes via co-solvent assisted interfacial polymerization, Desalination, 524 (2022) 115481

A comprehensive review of MXene-based water-treatment membranes and technologies: Recent progress and perspectives, Desalination, 522 (2022) 115448

Revealing interfacial heating effects on water evaporation during surface distillation, Desalination, 537 (2022) 115867

Co-axially electrospun superhydrophobic nanofiber membranes with 3D-hierarchically structured surface for desalination by long-term membrane distillation, Journal of Membrane Science, 623 (2021) 119028

Fabrication techniques for graphene oxide-based molecular separation membranes: Towards industrial application, Nanomaterials, 11 (3) (2021) 757

Rejection of harsh pH saline solutions using graphene membranes, Carbon, 171 (2021) 240-247

Evaluation of the different integrated pre-treatment processes for the ceramic based microfiltration, Process Safety and Environmental Protection, 139 (2020) 210-217

Energy recovery through reverse electrodialysis: Harnessing the salinity gradient from the flushing of human urine, Water Research, 186 (2020) 116320

Engineering Membrane Distillation with Nanofabrication: Design, Performance and Mechanisms, Environmental Science: Water Research & Technology, 6 (2020) 1786

Membrane Distillation for Strategic Water Treatment Applications – Opportunities, Challenges, and Current Status, Current Pollution Reports, 6 (2020) 173-187

Fabrication and characterization of moderately hydrophobic membrane with enhanced permeability using a phase-inversion method in membrane distillation, Desalination and Water Treatment, 183 (2020) 173-181

Removal of nitrogen by a sulfur-based carrier with powdered activated carbon (PAC) for denitrification in membrane bioreactor (MBR), Journal of Water Process Engineering, 34 (2020) 101149

Reverse osmosis membrane fabrication and modification technologies and future trends: A review, Advances in Colloid and Interface Science, 276 (2020) 102100

Polyvinylidene fluoride phase design by two-dimensional boron nitride enables enhanced performance and stability for seawater desalination, Journal of Membrane Science, 598 (2020) 117669

A pilot study of spiral-wound air gap membrane distillation process and its energy efficiency analysis, Chemosphere, 239 (2020) 124696

Nanoscale zero-valent iron (nZVI) immobilization onto graphene oxide (GO)-incorporated electrospun polyvinylidene fluoride (PVDF) nanofiber membrane for groundwater remediation via gravity-driven membrane filtration, Science of the Total Environment, 688 (2019) 787-796

Removal of fluoride in membrane-based water and wastewater treatment technologies: Performance review, Journal of Environmental Management, 251 (2019) 109524

Analysis of mass transfer behavior in membrane distillation: Mathematical modeling under various conditions, Chemosphere, 236 (2019) 124289

Membrane-based technologies for zero liquid discharge and fluoride removal from industrial wastewater, Chemosphere, 236 (2019) 124288

Recyclable nanoscale zerovalent iron (nZVI)-immobilized electrospun nanofiber compostes with improved mechanical strength for groundwater remediation, Composites Part B: Engineering, 171 (2019) 339-346

Improving membrane distillation performance: Morphology optimization of hollow fiber membranes with selected non-solvent in dope solution, Chemosphere, 230 (2019) 117-126

Volatile fatty acids and biogas recovery using thermophilic anaerobic membrane distillation bioreactor for wastewater reclamation, Journal of Environmental Management, 231 (2019) 833-842

Membrane distillation for industrial wastewater treatment: Studying the effects of membrane parameters on the wetting performance, Chemosphere, 206 (2018) 793-801

Core-Shell Interface-Oriented Synthesis of Bowl-Structured Hollow Silica Nanospheres Using Self-Assembled ABC Triblock Copolymeric Micelles, Langmuir, 34 (45) (2018) 13584-13596

Hierarchical Composite Membrane with Robust Omniphobic Surface Using Layer-By-Layer Assembly Technique, Environmental Science & Technology, 52(4) (2018) 2186-2196

Anti-fouling graphene-based membranes for effective water desalination, Nature Communications, 9 (1) (2018) 683

A novel, electrospun, hydrophobic, and elastomeric styrene-butadiene-styrene membrane for membrane distillation applications, Journal of Membrane Science, 549 (2018) 420-427

Effects of volatile organic compounds on water recovery from produced water via vacuum membrane distillation, Desalination, 440 (2018) 146-155

CF4 Plasma-Modified Omniphobic Electrospun Nanofiber Membrane for Produced Water Brine Treatment by Membrane Distillation, Journal of Membrane Science, 529 (2017) 234-242

Engineering the re-entrant hierarchy and surface energy of PDMS-PVDF membrane for membrane distillation using a facile and benign microsphere coating, Environmental Science & Technology, 51 (2017) 10117-10126

Improving Nanofiber Membrane Characteristics and Membrane Distillation Performance of Heat-Pressed Membranes via Annealing Post-Treatment, Applied Sciences, 7(1) (2017) 78-88

Assessing the removal of organic micro-pollutants from anaerobic membrane bioreactor effluent by fertilizer-drawn forward osmosis, Journal of Membrane Science, 533 (2017) 84-95

Advanced multi-nozzle electrospun functionalized TiO2/PVDF hybrid membranes for direct contact membrane distillation, Journal of Membrane Science, 524 (2017) 712-720

Shon, Electrospun dual-layer nonwoven membrane for desalination by air gap membrane distillation, Desalination, 403 (2017) 187-198

Enhancement of nanoscale zero-valent iron immobilization onto electrospun polymeric nanofiber mats for groundwater remediation, Process Safety and Environmental Protection, 112 (2017) 200-208

Evaluation of fertilizer-drawn forward osmosis for coal seam gas reverse osmosis brine treatment and sustainable agricultural reuse, Journal of Membrane Science, 537 (2017) 22-31

Water desalination using graphene-enhanced electrospun nanofiber membrane via air gap membrane distillation, Journal of Membrane Science, 520 (2016) 99-110

Graphene/PVDF flat-sheet membrane for the treatment of RO brine from coal seam gas produced water by air gap membrane distillation, Journal of Membrane Science, 513 (2016) 74-84

Electrospun nanofibrous membranes incorporated with fluorosilane coated TiO2 nanocomposite for direct contact membrane distillation, Journal of Membrane Science, 520 (2016) 145-154

Superhydrophobic nanofiber membrane containing carbon nanotubes for high-performance direct contact membrane distillation, Journal of Membrane Science, 502 (2016) 158-170

Effect of heat-press conditions on electrospun membranes for desalination by direct contact membrane distillation, Desalination, 378 (2016) 80-91

Effects of powdered activated carbon on integrated submerged membrane bioreactor – nanofiltration process for wastewater reclamation, Bioresource Technology, 210 (2016) 18-25

Effect of various pretreatments on the performance of nanofiltration for wastewater reuse, Desalination and Water Treatment, 57 (2016) 7522-7530

Effect of sulphonated polyethersulfone substrate for thin film composite forward osmosis membrane, Desalination, 389 (2016) 129-136

Fouling and its control in membrane distillation- A review, Journal of Membrane Science, 475 (2015) 215-244 (Top 25 Most Downloaded Articles and Top 25 Most Cited Articles in Journal of Membrane Science)

Characteristics of membrane fouling by consecutive chemical cleaning in pressurized ultrafiltration as pre-treatment of seawater desalination, Desalination, 369 (2015) 51-61

Effect of driving pressure and recovery rate on the performance of nanofiltration and reverse osmosis membranes for the treatment of the effluent from MBR, Desalination and Water Treatment, 54 (2015) 3589-3595

A novel dual-layer bicomponent electrospun nanofibrous membrane for desalination by direct contact membrane distillation, Chemical Engineering Journal, 256 (2014) 155-159

Fouling characteristics of microfiltration membranes by organic and inorganic matter and evaluation of flux recovery by chemical cleaning, Desalination and Water Treatment, 52 (2014) 6920-6929

Effect of chemical cleaning conditions on the flux recovery of fouled membrane, Desalination and Water Treatment, 51 (2013) 5268-5274

Effect of chemical cleaning conditions on the flux recovery of MF membrane as pretreatment of seawater desalination, Desalination and Water Treatment, 51 (2013) 6329-6337


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